
How to Retain Star Talent Once You Have Hired Them

Do you have a handful of employees that you consider your top performers? Do you have any concerns about losing them to the competition? You should.

Star performers are always in high demand, even during recessions. And once the hiring market heats back up, as it is now, employers are going to be looking for high performers and those with scarce skills. How can you keep yours from being lured away your competition?

Keep Them Engaged.

Your best performers are likely the kind of people who need stimulating work, lots of recognition, and the chance to prosper. If you can’t provide these things, they’ll look elsewhere.

Keep Them Challenged.

Remember, current high performance doesn’t necessarily equate to future potential. Give your top people the chance to step up into tougher roles. Three critical attributes to watch for? Ability, engagement, and aspiration.

Keep a High Level Eye on Them.

When you have a truly exceptional employee, don’t let their careers be directed by a busy line manager. You need corporate level management to nurture high potentials.

Keep Them Feeling Appreciated.

Sometimes just saying “Good job!” isn’t enough. You may need to offer your A players differentiated compensation and recognition.

Keep Them Informed.

Share future strategies with the future leaders of your company—and emphasize their role in making them real. Demonstrate that you think they have potential and show them the career path they can follow if they stay with you.

Keep Their Opinions in Mind.

Great employees always have opinions and suggestions for the improvement of the business or team, and it’s important for them to feel that their suggestions or opinions matter. Involve these employees in key decision-making processes.

Top performers are always able to find another job—.and replacing them is not easy. So keep yours around by giving them a sense that they have a future with your company. And if you find yourself needing to hire another star? Call the experts at Triumph. We’ll work with you to find the superior candidates you need.

By Jason Williams: Partner, Triumph Services. As head of the Sales Division of Triumph, he has helped hundreds of clients find the best talent.